Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas Day is over and all the preparation's for just one day seems silly now that I am older.Christmas is hard to really enjoy without little children to share it with.
It becomes just another day except that our Savior was born that day and we should be celebrating him.
A new year means a new beginning of everything.
I am looking forward to a New Year,a year that brings hope for those who have none and jobs for everyone who needs one,prosperity and happiness to everyone.
This year,lets all try to be kinder,more tolerant and loving of others,to try and make this a better world.
Lets make our resolutions about others and not ourselves.

I lost my Dad on December 5th so I understand how important it is to tell those you love,you love them all the time,be kind and always share your feelings with them.I was able to do that and in the end I was at Peace with his passing.

Bring it on,2011

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PA, United States
When I Grow Up I Wanna Be Just like Me.